Greens candidate for Barton had this to say about the recently partially released business case for the Westconnex tollroad system
“There’s no denying Sydney needs both roads and public transport, however to move commuters around quickly, productively and cost effectively, impartial experts are unanimous that we should be investing todays money in world-class public transport, not more polluting tollways.”
“The Greens have an integrated plan for addressing Sydney’s transport needs, which includes an investment in light and heavy rail, signal upgrades, increased station accessibility, and the buy back the privatised airport line so that the fares are affordable. Mascot and Randwick employ thousands of St George residents who are driving their cars in the absence of any fast, affordable public transport to connect workers and homes. Public transport solutions would be far cheaper to move commuters easterly than this gold plated smog machine that Duncan Gay is building with all profits to line the pockets of toll operators.”
“The Liberal Government resisted releasing their “business case” so that they could avoid public scrutiny and now upon its release last week whole sections of it are censored as “commercial in confidence” – which begs the question who does this government serve and what are they trying to hide?”
To see the Greens Public transport vision click here
To see St George Greens detailed Transport Master Plan click here
*Comments and opinions are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of St George Greens or Greens NSW